Able Learner Malaysia


Able Learner Center operated as a division of the Applied Scholastics Institute since its inception in 1988-though the division operated under various internal names, the name Able Learner Center was conceived circa 2008 and was subsequently registered with the intellectual property corporation of Malaysia. It was also registered with the Companies Commission of Malaysia and certified and licensed to use the trademarks and service marks of Applied Scholastics International – a global educational institution operating in 71 countries including Malaysia.

Approximately three years ago, we moved the IGCSE department of Able Learner Center to OUG. The branch started with about 35 students. The move was in the hope of providing a larger space and a better environment to the students. The conducive environment, better systems, dedicated teachers and excellent class management has brought Able Learners to a student population of 140! We have had students moving on from their IGCSE levels very successfully almost every year for the last three years!

Today, most of the customers who come by, are either recommended by other parents or students or they have heard about our good work from some source. This is absolutely rewarding.

 With the international exposure and international learning technology that Able Learner Center is using to empower the children, we have successfully brought in International speakers to churn the interest of our students to contribute greatly to the society and world at large. One such speaker invited for this year(2015) thus far was renown environmental activist Ms Linda VerNooy, who talked about The Future of our Planet.




Able Learner Story

  Programs and activities are designed based upon famous writer, humanitarian and educator Mr. L. Ron Hubbard and is licensed by Applied Scholastics Institute  


Able Learner Center operated as a division of the Applied Scholastics Institute since its inception in 1988-though the division operated under various internal names, the name Able Learner Center was conceived circa 2008 and was subsequently registered with the intellectual property corporation of Malaysia. It was also registered with the Companies Commission of Malaysia and certified and licensed to use the trademarks and service marks of Applied Scholastics International.

Able Learner courses, programs and activities are designed based upon famous writer, humanitarian and educator Mr. L. Ron Hubbard and is licensed by Applied Scholastics Institute - an international educational organization based in more than 140 countries and in over 1,200 locations.